Package Contents#
Represents the data selection Screen. |
- class ui.accountselectscreen.AccountSelectScreen(**kw)#
Represents the data selection Screen. Allows the user to enter the accounts to message by manually entering them, from their followers or from a certain hashtag
The add menu that is shown when the add button is pressed
The main menu that is shown when the menu button is pressed
- session#
The session object that is used to login to instagram
- dialog#
- data = []#
- selected = []#
- table#
- content_cls#
- csv_temp_data = []#
The data that is used to store the csv data temporarily until verification
- csv_failed_data = []#
The data that is used to store the csv data that failed verification
- on_enter(*args)#
Fired when the entering the screen. Is used to check if the message screen was added and if so it is deleted
- create_datatable()#
- edit_selection(*args)#
Function that is called when there is any change to the selection of accounts
- verify_delete()#
Verifies if the user wants to delete the selected accounts
- delete_selected(widget)#
Removes the selected accounts from the list
- open_filepicker()#
Opens the file picker to select a directory to export csv to
- export_csv(path)#
Exports the data to a csv file
- import_csv()#
Imports the data from a csv file
- _import_csv_file(path)#
Imports the data from a csv file
- verify_accounts(widget)#
Validates the accounts in the list
- _verify_accounts(event)#
Verifies the accounts in the list
- dont_verify_accounts(widget)#
Adds the accounts from the csv file without verifying
- show_hashtag_dialog()#
Shows the hashtag dialog
- show_follower_popup()#
Shows the follower popup
- get_follow_accounts(widget)#
- _get_follow_accounts(event, limit)#
gets the accounts from the followers of the account
- show_following_dialog()#
Shows the following dialog
- get_following_accounts(widget)#
- _get_following_accounts(event, limit)#
gets the accounts from the following of the account
- show_manual_dialog()#
Shows the Manual entry of accounts
- add_manual_accounts(widget)#
Adds the accounts from the manual dialog
- _get_hashtag_accounts(hashtags_string: str, limit: int)#
gets the first certain number of accounts from each hashtag
- _update_table()#
Updates the table with the data
Shows the menu
Shows the add menu
Navigates to the message screen
- show_settings_dialog()#
Shows the settings dialog
- launch_instance()#
Launches a new instance of the program
- show_about_dialog()#
Shows the about dialog
- switch_user()#
Takes the user back to the user selection screen, clears the current screen and session